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From Lockdown to Literature: David Rivas-Torres on His Creative Evolution

David Rivas-Torres, the acclaimed poet behind the evocative poetry book "For Us," provides a fascinating glimpse into his creative process, inspirations, and aspirations. With a nuanced approach to crafting verses, Rivas-Torres' journey is one of self-discovery and artistic evolution.

Book filled with poems with a sunflower on the cover.
For Us - Print Publication

The Writing Process: From Inspiration to Completion

When asked about his writing process, Rivas-Torres highlights the dual nature of his inspiration. "Each poem that I write is unique in its own way, but a lot of them still share some similarities in their process," he explains. Sometimes, a moment of inspiration strikes, compelling him to jot down raw emotions and feelings. Other times, he sits down with a clear intention, drafting poems that align with a specific direction. His tools of choice range from a small hand-sized notebook to a large scratch-document online. However, the moment a poem reaches his typewriter, he knows it has achieved its final form.

Rivas-Torres' reconnection with poetry as an adult stemmed from a need for a therapeutic outlet. "I’ve always written poetry, but I reconnected with it again as an adult. At the time, I was really seeking a therapeutic outlet and when I couldn’t find something to connect with, I turned to writing again," he recalls. This renewed engagement with poetry allowed him to channel his emotions and thoughts into a constructive and expressive form.

Reflecting on when he began to take writing seriously, Rivas-Torres shares a poignant realization. "I always felt that writing was important to me, even as a young child," he says. However, it was during the 2020 COVID-lockdown that he truly understood its significance. "I discovered that writing was crucial to me a few years ago during the 2020 COVID-lockdown. I realized, then, just how important writing was as a processing tool for me."

Challenges of Composing a Body of Literature

Composing a body of literature comes with its own set of challenges, both technical and abstract. For Rivas-Torres, the most significant difficulty lies in finding the right words. "The most difficult challenge is finding the right words to grab onto that can accurately walk someone through the journey that you intend for them," he notes. This meticulous attention to detail ensures that his readers are fully immersed in the experiences he conveys.

The transition from writing to publishing can be daunting. Rivas-Torres describes the differences he encountered between publishing his first and second books. "Overall, I felt more comfortable with the publication process this second time around, and still, it came with its fair share of challenges," he admits. Switching publishing companies introduced unexpected hurdles, despite his familiarity with the general obstacles of the process.

Some one reaching out to grab a book of poems that has a black cover

Growth as an Author and Poet

Rivas-Torres' growth as an author and poet is evident in his evolving writing process and the increasing depth of his work. "I feel that I’ve grown tremendously as an author, and poet. As with anything, the more you practice, the better you become, and I feel poetry is no different," he says. His ability to capture inspiration and refine it through his verse-crafting process has markedly improved over time.

Looking ahead, Rivas-Torres has ambitious goals for his writing career. He aspires to secure a more permanent residency contract with Barnes & Noble, aiming to reach a wider audience. "I really look forward to securing a more permanent residency contract with Barnes & Noble, so that my writing can reach the people that need it the most," he shares.

A Trilogy in the Making

"For Us" is the second installment in what Rivas-Torres envisions as a trilogy of poetry books. His first book, "For You," laid the foundation, and he plans to complete the series with "For Me." This trilogy reflects his personal and artistic journey, offering readers a comprehensive exploration of his evolving perspectives and experiences.

David Rivas-Torres' dedication to his craft, coupled with his profound insights and aspirations, make him a poet to watch. His works, deeply personal yet universally relatable, continue to resonate with readers, offering solace, inspiration, and a shared sense of humanity.



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