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Navigating Dreams and Reality: NariZu Unique Sounds and Overcoming Obstacles

Article Edited by Jaysalee S.

Crafting a unique sound that is simultaneously dreamy yet rough, NariZu is an upcoming artist. As someone who has always had a love and passion for music, NariZu has created a unique sound that has built up an audience. When listening to his music, his passion becomes clear. 

Red broken hearts with black background and flowers being held by man sitting on chair
Have you heard of NariZu?

He states that he always wanted to make music, but did not start to take it seriously until his high school years. That was where he started to collaborate with other people and began releasing his own music. However, it did not become a career path until he went to Full Sail University and decided it was what he wanted to do with his life. 

When it comes to keeping his audience involved, NariZu says he wants to make them feel like they are part of the process. This allows his fans to feel like they can be fully immersed in what he is creating. While he says he needs to work more on the engagement aspect of building his fan base, he does what he can to make sure they know how much he values them. 

Being an artist comes with its own unique set of trials and tribulations, which are different for each individual artist. With NariZu, he says that anxiety has been his main obstacle on this journey, but it still hasn’t been enough to stop him. 

It took me years but I’ve finally managed to maneuver with anxiety and now I’m just doing what I have to do without second guessing it. I’ve been just diving in head first.” - NariZu

Trippy effect of guy in arcade
Who is Narizu?

This mindset acts as a reminder that you cannot allow yourself to get in your own way, even when it’s hard to push past that. As for how he manages to stay grounded in an industry like this one, he has a few tricks up his sleeve. NariZu indulges in cannabis use as a form of decompressing, as well as being in the gym and doing what he can to always maintain a positive mindset through any situation. 

As for what’s next, NariZu shares that he has a new jersey club single coming in the near future titled “Daddy.” In his own words, “This one is for the ladies who like to turn up.” His goal is to create a mood primarily for the female audience, just in time for the summer.




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